Monday, November 19, 2012

Statement–August 3, 2009, on "Ten Stars," first published in the catalogue "Michael Boles: The 2007-2009 Anna Lamar Switzer Endowed Teaching Chair"

Michael Boles, Ten Stars, 2009. Aluminum, bronze, pigmented silicone, malachite, and acrylic.
38" x 72" x 1." Available for purchase–please contact the artist.

Ten Stars is not the same as "Tin Stars," an obvious anachronistic slur at designated keepers of the peace; however, the suggestion functions very well as a part of this composition. Strangely enough, the purpose of law enforcement and artists are similar; both attempt to make this world a better place in which to live by actions that are not always agreed upon by the general public. Both are often immeasurably sensitive and often insanely brutal. For me, Ten Stars is more about the realization that any number of seemingly unrelated shapes or symbols such as an American flag can come together to produce a viable and evocative composition.

There is much more to the American flag than meets the eye.

This piece contains a symmetry of sorts; however the presence of a variety of elements leaves a palpable degree of uncertainty regarding its meaning. Contained within are suggestions of the American national identity, Ionic Greek capitals, prehistoric fossil formations, mysterious organic growth, as well as what I like to call, "five o-clock shadow." All of these symbolic references are purely intuitive, but by their context tend to redefine themselves.

We live in a world of signs, symbols, and directions, so much that we no longer need to read the "fine print" to understand what they all mean. Context has always been a primary venue for artists of the twentieth century, and I feel that the interpretation of this work as well as most all of my other recent works deals directly with how one understands or relates to this context.

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